About Us

Ulite 的想法很簡單:讓台灣更多的企業走向全球市場。 Ulite 結合各行業的專業人員,每人在專業領域超過20年的經驗。 包括旅遊/酒店、消費品、製造、醫學、廣告/營銷。 當然,我們也有年輕的夥伴,為潮流尖端的產品、遊戲、IT、等等做更活潑的翻譯。 無論您的行業,或項目的規模或範圍,我們都具備滿足翻譯和國際化需求的技能和經驗。

Ulite works on Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Ulite has professionals in various industries and they are more than 20 years experienced in each major field. Including travel/hotels, consumer goods, manufacturing, medicine, advertising/marketing. Of course, we also have young partners who translate lively in cutting-edge products, games, IT, and more. We are experienced the skills to translate and internationalize whatever your necessary.

We Translate

☆操作手冊 Operating Manuals

☆說明書 Instructions

☆網站 Websites

☆軟件本地化 Software Localization

☆合同和租約 Contracts and Leases

☆移民文件 Immigration  Documentation

☆廣告文案 Advertising Copy

☆遊戲 Game


☆ 作業標準書 SOP documents

☆ ISO文件 ISO documents

☆ 驗廠文件 Survey documents

Multilingual Translation Service


The foreign translators are experts in various major field provide multi-language translation. They achieve the most appropriate message conversion in their native language to make your business dept into international market.

大量翻譯記憶庫 詞彙統一 節省時間與成本

Translation memories Vocabulary Glossary Consistent Save time and Money

◆翻譯繁體中文 ◆ Translation Traditional Chinese

◆翻譯簡體中文 ◆ Translations Simplified Chinese

◆翻譯日文          ◆ Translation Japanese

◆翻譯德文          ◆ Translation German

◆翻譯西班牙文 ◆ Translation Spanish

◆翻譯義大利文 ◆ Translation Italian

◆翻譯芬蘭文     ◆ Translation Finnish

◆翻譯俄文         ◆ Translate Russian

◆翻譯泰文         ◆ Translate Thai

◆ 翻譯越南文    ◆ Translate Vietnamese

◆翻譯印尼文     ◆ Translate Indonesian

Global Integration




We specialize in accurate translation that provide global competitive advantage in today's global marketplace rapidly flipping.

We work closely with you to get the best way to approach the project and accomplish efficiently your targets.

Our comprehensive translation service offers communicate complete information in the target language to reach crucial competitive advantage.


Contact Me

Phone Number:   886 (0) 920 492 666

Office Number:    886 (0) 4 2523 5489

Add:  R-2,4F,No.282,Ziqiang S.St. Fengyuan Dist, Taichung City 42051,Taiwan (R.O.C.)

E-mail:    ulite@ulitetranslate.com